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orb1Bausch & Lomb's Orbscan® IIz is a fully integrated multidimensional diagnostic system that elevates diagnostics beyond mere topography. Unlike current topography systems which scan the surface of the eye at standard points, the Orbscan II acquires over 9000 data points in 1.5 seconds to meticulously map the entire corneal surface (11 mm), and analyze elevation and curvature measurements on both the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea.

By providing more comprehensive pre-op diagnostics and planning, exclusionary criteria such as keratoconus, pre-keratoconus, and corneal thinning can be identified to optimize outcomes in both primary treatments and enhancements. The Orbscan II may help explain decreased visual acuity post-op, and is designed to allow the surgeon to more accurately prescribe retreatments, if necessary.

Key Features

  • Acquires over 9000 data points in 1.5 secondsorb2
  • Analyzes elevation and curvature measurements on both anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea
  • Capable of detecting and analyzing posterior corneal abnormalities where corneal anomalies first appear

turner eye favEffective March 11th, 2024, we are relocating our office in Concord to 1220 Concord Ave, Suite 290, Concord, CA 94520